Wednesday, October 17, 2018

16: What's Your Secret Sauce?

Five Ways That Make Me Unique 

1. Creativity: I have a past in making products from sketches to physical models and objects. I am constantly looking for new opportunities for my products and looking to start new projects.

2. Time Management: I am very good at time management and can balance a lot at once. With a full class schedule, a job, and extracurricular you kind of have to be! I prefer to stay busy but have learned to manage all my promises and make them all happen. 

3. Problem Solver: A lot of times problems arise quickly and you have to think on your feet to make a decision. I am not necessarily a leader in most situations, but can give my advice on how to move forward that could be a win for everybody. 

4. Motivated: When I set my sights on something, I don't let go. I work until I reach that goal and will continue to set new goals along the way. Most importantly though I will not quit, I may get stressed or frustrated, but I take a walk to get my mind clear and get back to it.

5. Friendly: I really enjoy being their for others and being someone they can talk to and feel safe around. Being personal with others around you is important to be closer and work well as a team, makes it less black and white and more enjoyable. 

Five Ways People Think I'm Unique

1. Others First: One of my close friends at work said that I always put others before myself, whether that be customers or fellow co-workers. She notes I'm often the last one to clock out and the first to offer my help.

2. Humorous: My Dad has always said I have a witty sense of humor, always being able to change the mood and provide an ice breaker in awkward situations. 

3. Empathy: My close friend from back home said that I show a lot of empathy towards others. Constantly being their for them and using my own experiences to understand how they feel and never making them feel wrong for being sad/mad. 

4. Motivated: My Mom, without knowing my list, said I was highly motivated by things that interest me. She noted with all the jobs I've had, I worked hard to get promotions and everything I wanted to try I never gave up on, even if it included some hard days. 

5. Optimistic: Another friend said that I have a glass half full kind of attitude. She said I always tend to look on the bright side and never submitted to pessimistic people or thoughts. 


Overall I see a clear difference between the two list. My own list looks more like a resume, and the list from those close to me pulls more emotional and personal. I never thought that humor or being positive could be a human capital asset, as from business your taught your best attributes are those that can be measured in work. Also, many things that other said about me were things I grew up with, like treating others the way you want to be treated. This exercise made me feel really good about myself and made me realize who I am to others. I think others agree with me that you always think people think the worst of you, they think your ugly or selfish or lazy, so it's nice to know others can see characteristics of yours that you don't even notice, and good ones at that! I think I would change my own list to be a little less work oriented and more personal, things that make me me. 


  1. I find it an amazon trait to have others first of yourself.. but allways remember that you are the most important thing in your life. This trait took me bad places because I did not know how to handle it and let people stomp on my, I extended my hand and they grabbed from the elbow. But it seems like you got it under control! Just wanted to share my experience because hearing it frmo someone else may open your eyes !

  2. It was interesting how the people you interviewed mentioned your emotions more than anything. When I conducted my interviews, they all described me based on the things I can do rather than how I act. As well I agree with your statement about how you always think that people think the worst about you because I think that all the time.
