Wednesday, October 17, 2018

15: Figuring Out Buying Behavior Part 2

Alternative Evaluation: 

From my previous set of interviews, I was able to conclude that price matters. Two out of three of my last interviewees used the free calendar app on their phone. In my new set of interviews I asked how likely would they spend $1.99 on an app, all three said they wouldn't. I then asked why they use the type of calendar they currently use for school. Two used free online calendars (Google Calendar and IPhone Calendar app) for the price and having no need for different organization methods, just a calendar of dates. My third interviewee used a traditional paper planner, as she prefers to write on paper then type and like to organize any way she likes, no restrictions.  

How/Where They Buy: 

Those who use online calendars don't pay for anything, as it already comes free on their phones. One of the most popular online calendars, Outlook, is purchased by an organization and gives access to their employees or in this case students for free. From all of my previous interviews, people who use paper planners buy theirs at either Staples or Walmart (Staples for a wider selection and Walmart as it was convenient to buy). 

Post Purchase evaluation: 

With most of the interviewees there isn't post purchase evaluation as they use free calendar options. For the one who used paper planners, she has been using planners for years and has found, through trial and error, what type of planner works best for her. She knows what planner she likes and uses it daily, so she never feels bad about her purchase afterwards. I can see someone trying planners for the first time having a bad post purchase experience, as they can be disappointed with the organization/layout or don't use it enough to be effective. 


For this segment, I find the majority of people I interviewed have little time to dedicate to planning, and because of that they have learned how to organize quickly and efficiently in their owns ways. Price and accessibility plays a big roll in what they use, and don't look around for different calendars. Many don't have post purchase evaluations as their is no monetary transaction for their products, it's free to use. 


  1. I agree that people do not buy calendars online, as a consumer, I would not spend 1$ in a calendar because I know that I can find one online. Maybe you can do a free trial after one month that they know that your product is so good, then you can charge a monthly subscription. I think that people want it, but you should tease them with the free trial.

  2. I guess I'm just one of those people who would be willing to pay a few dollars for an app that would organize my calendar for me. I agree that most people are hesitant to pay the price are there are already many calendar apps on the market that are free. However, convenience is something I would be willing to pay for. If the app could help me organize my time with school I would be willing to pay for it
