Friday, October 12, 2018

14: Halfway Reflection

1) Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? 

Being an Innovation Academy student means I can take only online classes each fall semester, meaning I have become very efficient in taking a large load of online classes. Making a set schedule that I stick to just as I would with my Spring and Summer semester helps juggle multiple classes and tends to make me less lazy. No matter how hard I try though, classes I have little to no interest in get put to the wayside and I get lazy with the assignments. But thankfully for this class, entrepreneurship and creativity is something I enjoy and have been awarded for in the past. The assignments are pretty straight forward and not that much compared to my other classes. This class is an easy breather in between my stressers. 

2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?

I often find it hard to do peer reviews and comment on other people work. Not that I have a problem with giving others criticism, just most of the time there's nothing to comment on, or others have already said it. I also sometimes find it hard to articulate what I want to say. Especially when your giving others ways they can improve their product, its very important to get your full point across with no confusion. I tend to spend more time writing comments then completing my own assignments, reading through it and doing my own research to add something they can take instead of just writing "I don't like this", which isn't very productive. 

3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?

- Get creative and have an open mind to ideas you haven't thought of.
- You get what you give, so do all the assignments fully! Even the interviews! 
- If you ever feel down or that you can't do an assignment, get up, take a walk, and get some fresh ideas flowing before coming back and finishing. There is no need to rush in this class.


  1. I'm not sure if you got my email but it's ironic you say the most difficult part of this class is the peer reviews. You and Bailey posted very personal comments this week to myself and I needed them. I am currently without a livable home due to Hurricane Michael and just those small positive messages gave me a small break from gloom.So while you find them difficult, I find them very helpful. Even before this week and the hurricane.

  2. About your three tips, hoe can you help me get creative and open minded? I find that the most difficult to address. I normally have ideas in the middle of nowhere, might be driving, in the golf course, in the gym, in the middle of a class, in a party.... I dint know hoe to all of a sudden be open minded. I agree with the "you get what you give" because it is completely true. The amount of dedication you put in this class is what you learn and improove self consciously.

  3. I completely agree about your opinion on the peer reviews. Sometime I feel like I'm just commenting without a purpose. I feel that only requiring one comment per post would be better. You also gave great tips for incoming freshmen. With a lot of my classes sometimes I feel like I just cannot do any work, and taking a break to breathe some fresh air definitely helps.
