Friday, October 12, 2018

13: Reading Reflection No. 1

1. What were your overall thoughts about the entrepreneur? (What surprised you, what did you most/least like, what were their failures?)

I decided to read 'Miracles Happen' by Mary Kay Ash as I was curious about multi level marketing businesses and how those companies run and make their money. I came into this already having my own opinion on these companies (not a pleasant one), though I was taken aback by how intriguing her story was and how much positivity she has radiated and given to other women. I think the thing that most surprised me was how much the book affected me after completing it. Her level of ambition and simple pillars to life pulled me in and made me reevaluate my professional side and made me feel like I could do anything. Her writing was down to earth and felt like a friend giving me advice, she didn't add any bullshit which I deeply appreciate, just the things that helped her go from a saleswomen to a multimillionaire. I feel like a lot of times in business, people find stepping on others toes, backstabbing, and ass kissing is the way to the top which I do not condone at all. Everything I've worked for has been done by my sheer ambition, ethics, and skills, never wanting to lower myself to petty means of climbing the ladder. Mary Kay has done the same by using three cornerstones: treat others the way you wished to be treated, know your priorities, and believe in everyone's potential. One thing that I personally didn't much enjoy was she fell back on a lot of old fashioned habits, like insisting women should wear dresses and skirts to work and how it should be a women's goal to get a housekeeper in order to save her more time. I glanced over these without a second thought, but it was genuinely the only thing I didn't like. Throughout the book Mary Kay was always improving and becoming the best at whatever she could be, like typewriting or selling kitchen wear. She turned every bad situation into a positive learning experience, and never once backed down or cried. When she had the worst sales, she promised to be the best the following year, and I learned quickly that the women always kept her word. Due to the time period, being a woman also had its rough patches in work, but that didn't stop her, just ignited a flame that burned for years. 

2. What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? 

As I said before, Mary Kay always exuded positivity and was driven by personal improvement. She was a smart sales lady and knew her market well, as she was her own market. She had confidence that made people want to work for her and buy her products without a second thought; she even wrote about how she sold one of everything in her line to a women while on vacation without having the products with her, just used her enthusiasm and love for her product to make the sell. 

3. Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.

I don't think anything really confused me in the book. It was well written and her professional life was linear, everything falling into place gradually and made sense with her profession. Her personal anecdotes gave a look into the woman she was and showed how she lived every aspect of her life using her pillars to raise herself and others up. 

4. f you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?

I would have loved to meet Mary Kay Ash, her words were a fresh breath of air and made me feel something, and just seemed like a nice lady to sit and chat with. I would ask her what she would have done of she lost her arms/hands; losing a persons most productive limbs and what that would mean to her and her career. I would also ask more about how she felt about her competitors. Ask if she ever felt like her company was in danger or if they learned from other cosmetic companies, whether that be management or products. 

5. What do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?

She made it clear, if your not working your missing out on an opportunity. Mary Kay was created after she retired, the woman didn't know how to sit and enjoy her retirement! To accomplish so much required someone who wasn't afraid to work and knew that anything worth wild would have to come before pleasure. I think some day I'll reach her level, I would like to be old and look at all I've accomplished, not being able to count all of them on my fingers!

1 comment:

  1. After reading your summary, I think that this book envolves around the law of attraction. If you are in a positive frequency, with a positive aptitude and taking opportunities, you will find these "miracles" that you thought never would have happened. I think that the habit of having a positive thinking mindset would impact everyone to take opportunities and adhere to the world around us.
