Thursday, October 4, 2018

12A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment - 'The Over Achievers' - Students who participate in multiple clubs/organizations

Through my interviews I found out a lot about this segment. Each person I interviewed felt it was hard to keep track of their club meetings and events like volunteering, especially when dates change or they are misinformed. Problems like this is especially a problem at the start of Fall and Spring semester when events are more prevalent. Unlike my last batch of interviews, two of them used online calendars, and the other used a planner bought from the store. For the online calendars they don't include assignment due dates, just their extra circulars. The planner includes both assignment dates and club schedules. I found that they plan in peaks, not over time. Meaning certain weeks are left blank as they forget or are too busy to log anything. I was curious on how they keep track of events then, they said they get the memo either from others, or the clubs website/social media pages. I asked them how they felt about the Canvas calendar, none of them had a problem with it, as they felt they didn't need to access it unless they are on Canvas.

'The Over Achievers' = This segment doesn't necessarily need Canvas and MyLab calendars on the regular, but could benefit from having one place for all their club schedules. This segment is always on the go, so they need an online calendar for their busy lives. Something new about these certain types of people is that they use whatever they already have available to plan, like how 2/3 used the free calendar already provided on their phones. This tells me how likely they would want to pay for a service, so I think my best bet would be to offer this to Universities, not individuals. 


  1. This assignment was difficult for me in knowing what the professor was really asking. I had to watch the lecture before completing it. I think you are jumping around in the 5 steps of the buying behavior process. In this assignment he wanted us to focus on the first two steps. When you mentioned they used the free calendar on their phone you skipped to the alternative evaluation step I believe. Towards the bottom of your post you state that these students are busy and have the need for an online calendar. I agree with you that there are students out there in this segment that still have the need.

  2. I definitely see how your service would have a hard time competing with free online calendars and why you think you would be better off selling to universities. However, I still believe some people would be willing to pay for the service as it would be convenient for them to have their many calendars organized into one. It is just a matter of price point. You have to attract individual users with a lower price point.

  3. Its interesting how people use the Free Calendars instead of dedicating their own time to organize theme-selves. I have a white board and a calendar white board in my room where I organize all of my time an duties including my clubs, hobbies, work and college work. This unmet need is heavily wighted on the student life, also remember that many businessmen that have a lot to manage also might need this. The over achievers also applies to professionals.
