Friday, December 7, 2018

30: Final Reflection

1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the fun moments, and the moments of drudgery, and even the moments of dread.
This semester has been full of highs and lows. Some weeks I did my research and really sat down to write a well thought out blog post for my product, and other weeks I was too busy to do any of that and could have done a better job completing the assignments. A fun moment would be doing interviews with different people. It was far out of my comfort zone but it made me less nervous to talk to people and was a fun assignment. Dread would have to go to elevator pitch hands down, as I was anxious to do it and got a lot of critiques each time I did one, some helpful others not so much. It made me improve but I was never excited to do them.
2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
The assignments I remember vividly are the bug lists and the interviews with our target market. These required me to go out and find things that bother me, (which surprisingly there are quite a few!) and to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people, some I didn't know! These were good exercises for a entrepreneur and will continue to try and do these more often to get comfortable in these areas. 
3) At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
I see myself having improved my entrepreneur mindset from the start of the semester. I learned a lot of tricks and find myself trying to solve problems in my day to day life. I especially learned a lot from the required books we read over the semester and feel that they above the lectures improved my mindset. (Sorry Dr. Pryor!) Especially Mary Kay's book, Never have I had a book move me like that one, it changed my way of thinking and improved my motivation to become a better version of myself. 
4) What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?
Do all the assignments, even if your uncomfortable doing it. At least try, step out of your comfort zone with a positive attitude! You'll surprise yourself and may even learn to love what you were scared to do in the first place. Also don't be afraid of your idea, make it yours and change based on what you find is best, it's your ugly baby after all!


  1. Chloe I enjoyed having you in my group for this class. I always looked forward to your kind and valuable feedback on the assignments. Good luck on your future journey.

  2. This assignment was surprisingly fun for me. It's always nice to look back and see what you've accomplished at the end of the semester. I had a great time interacting with you these past months, I hope you have a great future :)
