Wednesday, September 12, 2018

5A Identifying Local Problems

Opportunity #1 - FitBit's for Football Players

The article "Gators Emphasize Improving Physicality", is a summary of the downfalls from the Kentucky versus UF game last weekend. Dan Mullen harps about the loss, putting the blame on low physicality of the players, which is a problem if you want to win a game. You cannot just give up half way through a play, and you need to be able to run after your opponents for a tackle. I've been to a UF football practice and though they do stretch, run plays, and tackle, they are missing stamina training. I think a product they could use is a physical monitor that tracks the amount of energy, stamina, heart beat, etc. used by a player in a real game, which will then be used as a goal for training, so that they have real game like training. (i.e. they cannot leave practice until they reached the same amount of physical activity as they did the last game they played). 

Opportunity #2 - Security System for Delivery Drivers 

We all use delivery service apps for food, groceries, and other goods. Though these are so prevalent in our daily lives (I guarantee you if your on campus you can count more Bite Squad Ads/cars than you have fingers in under two hours), delivery people have little to no compensation and protection. The article "Police Looking for Robbery Suspects" talks about a recent event where a delivery driver was robbed (it was only two pizzas cause he had no cash, but it's still a robbery). Delivery drivers are just the middle man between a restaurant/business and the customer and should feel safe and protected at there job. I suggest all delivery drivers should have a security system in there car or on there person with different buttons depending in the severity of the action. 

Opportunity #3 - Restaurant Inspection Grades Front in Center

Following my last idea with food delivery service, something important that isn't really seen by the average consumer are a restaurant's inspection grade. These are very important and can help make a decision as to if you want to dine there or not. I know in certain cities, its required for restaurants to put there grade on the front of the establishment, but not in Gainesville. Knowing the inspection grade is important, as a restaurant can still be in business but have several violations. In the article "Restaurant Inspections in Alachua County" several popular spots to eat are shown their full violations list. I think this is important info and should be included in food delivery apps along side the menu. 

Opportunity #4 - Community Service as Financial Aid 

As students we can all agree that upper education isn't cheap, even with in state tuition. You have books, room and board, fees, and food to live. Something that everyone says there needs to be more of is volunteers, as a group can accomplish much more than a single person, as can be seen in the article "'One Tree Saved' - Developer Will Spare Live Oak" where several locals went to change the plans of removing an oak for construction. A lot of people are selfish, and don't do anything unless they get a gain from it, and as a college town we have plenty of hands to help if we have the right incentive for them. I suggest that for every hour spent at a verified charity or community event should give you $1-$5 off your tuition. 

Opportunity #5 - Job Listings for College Students

Piggy backing on the last thought, college students need money.  Though the thought of getting financial aid for community service, we can still rely on good old fashioned part time jobs. I know from my friends, looking for jobs isn't easy in a college town, too few jobs and are always gone by the time you get to applying. Small part time job offers like voting polls advertised in the article "Need a Gig? Elections Office looks for Poll Workers" are often over looked by students that could really need them. Maybe making an app or page on MyUFL where businesses can post jobs specifically for college students could prove useful for both parties. 


  1. Not having one main job listing website is a problem here as well. We have three well known websites in our area but they all have different job postings. Then other companies post on facebook, twitter, and other sources. I’m impressed anyone finds a job in a field they are truly interested in. Every one of my jobs I found out from word of mouth. I would love if someone found a way to exploit this opportunity in a profitable way but if monster, who is known nationwide, can’t do it, I’m not very hopeful. I think unfortunately that is the downside to most of your opportunities, and I know many of mine as well. There are needs that are unmet but if it’s not profitable then no one will step up to do it.

  2. Hi Chloe,

    I thought your assignment was a little muddled. After reading through everything, I think I can probably guess what each article was about, generally, but I really don't know for sure. I think it may help to more clearly spell out exactly what the problem is and exactly who has the problem. Some of the solutions you talk about are interesting, but I think they'd be better if you were more specific. For instance, which population would truly benefit from making $1-$5 per hour (since essentially, getting this discount off your tuition for an hour of your time is the same as working for $1 to $5 / hour)

  3. I definitely feel that delivery drivers are lacking needed protection. I recently thought about becoming a delivery driver for Doordash, but I am a little worried about my safety. My solution was to drive around with a friend, or to have pepper spray with me. As well I believe that if delivery drivers face such risks, then they should be paid more.
