Wednesday, September 5, 2018

4A Forming an Opportunity Belief

One of my bugs from 2A was the fact that assignments posted in MyLab aren't posted/visible on the Canvas calendar, making it difficult to take a full look at all the assignments or quizzes coming up. Taking that one step further, there are plenty of other separate calendars (for work, tutoring, club meetings, etc) that we have that would work so much better if they were combined, making it a one stop shop for whats going on. Many college students are heavily involved and take several classes in a semester and could use a more focused, organized area to plan their days that doesn't take much time to set up. Currently, you can use the separate calendars on Canvas, MyLab, and others like them, buy a planner from Staples, or create your own bullet journal. Each of these options takes time and could be frustrating for students to use. Because of these factors, I believe there is a 50% chance this need exists.

For my interviews, I interviewed college students from different universities (Sophmore at FSU, Junior at FIU, and Senior at FSC) to get a broader range of ideas from different settings and ages. They agreed that having different calendars is disorganizing and there could be a better system to ensure they are up to date for everything. That being said, there are some downsides to this idea. For instance how would you combine multiple calendars? They also said they didn't have much of a problem with ready to buy planners at Staples, but could be beneficial to have something different and unique in my product that would make it stand out if I went with my planner idea (creating a business that prints a personalized semester long planner that has assignments, quizzes, work schedule, club meetings, sports events, etc. printed in it like national holidays are).

After the interviews my ideas for a product for this need has changed, but I still sense there is a need from college students. I think gathering other people's thoughts opened up more hurdles to my idea, some things I hadn't thought of and some things to consider if I follow through with this idea. I think you are never done adapting your ideas. Wants and needs from consumers are always changing, like faster speeds and lighter weight products, that's why we have ten IPhones. We are never done improving and reinventing products.

1 comment:

  1. I can see how it is difficult to keep up with multiple calendars. I've tried using online calendars such as Google Calendar, and I can attest that it does take quite a lot of time to write each event one at a time. However, some calendars have a download/export feature. I believe that all online calendars should have a download feature similar to the class schedule calendar on There's a download button on the top right and after you export the calendar you can load it onto any online calendar. Websites like Canvas and Mylab should try to implement a calendar export feature which would save students a lot of time
