Friday, November 30, 2018

27: Reading Reflection #3

Book chosen: How to Think Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman 

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
The general theme of this book is getting to know our two systems of thought, System 1 being fast thinking and System 2 being slow thinking. Both are important in our daily lives, but we are shown how to tap into each and given exercises to try and change between the two. 
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
This book was much more psychology based then entrepreneurship. Though its not all about creativity and business, it provides knowledge of human thinking and initial reactions that could be used to better understand our market and ourselves as entrepreneurs. We did so many assignments on understanding our market to the point where you can predict your customers needs and problems that you can solve with your product. We went from thinking using System 2, slow and complicated thoughts that took time to comprehend and think of a solution, to now thinking using System 1 and natural instincts to make predictions. 
3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
I would create an exercise that involves studying your market up close while facing the problem you are trying to solve. Take note of their physical changes, narrowed eyes in focus, hunched shoulders in stress, etc. Maybe even include how different they react with your product, more positive and have more ease completing the problem or task. Hopefully this could show the change between thinking with System 2 to System 1.
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
I heard about this thinking phenomena before in a previous psychology class. I think though reading the authors personal examples and learning just how much the human body gives away of your thoughts and feelings was very interesting. The saying I can read you like a book is so true if you know what to look for, dilated eyes for laziness, scrunched nose for focus or anger, etc. 


  1. Hey Chloe, I think the book you chose for this assignment sounds really interesting. I've always wished that I had made made room in my schedule for a psychology course, but I just never really did. Your review of this book reminds me why I wanted that. I thought your comment about "reading someone like a book" was interesting. In general I'm decent at reading people, but people that I've known for a little while can't hide anything from me, because I always know what's going on with them. I guess this book explains why that happens. Cool!

  2. From the description you gave, the book definitely sounds like a must read. It was interesting how you mentioned that you have to be able to think both fast and slow. I find that sometimes I think to fast, and don't give things enough thought before I do them. This causes me to make poor decisions. I love psychological books, so I might give this book a try.

  3. I agree with Czar, I definitely need to read this book. Sometimes I take too much time overthinking and sometimes I think to fast and just dive in without testing the water first. I think that having a mindful approach towards decision making is definitely the proper alternative to approach in the business world. I have also heard about this phenomena before, but sometimes an author has the ability to portray the idea much clearer.
