Wednesday, November 28, 2018

26: Celebrating Failure

One of my other classes is ACG2021 (Financial Accounting), it's a weed out class and can be hard if you don't keep up with lectures and if you're not self motivated. Thankfully I started off strong, getting 95-100% on all my quizzes and even a 90% on the first exam. One chapter got the best of me, and I struggled through 2 hours of lecture and over 30 pages of text that might as well have been hieroglyphics. After finishing that, I went on to My Accounting Lab to complete the practice homework problems. I saw the first assignment that had the chapter number and clicked on it, not checking to make sure it was the homework practice, not the actual quiz. I should have checked but I was so used to doing this routine that I didn't think twice. When I opened what I thought was the practice problems, I realized too late that it was the real deal, the quiz that could make or break my grade. I was stressed and worried, as I still didn't understand the material, but I couldn't exit as that would give me an automatic zero. Knowing the only option was to try and take the quiz with the notes I already had, I hunkered down and tired my best to complete the problems. I thought I did okay, but I only got 2 out of 6 points. I felt so disheartened and angry with myself, as every point in this class is vital to pass, so a simple mess up could mean the difference between a B+ and an A. I didn't let it get the best of me though, I completed the practice problems and made sure I completely understood the material before moving onto the next chapter. Just because I messed up the quiz doesn't mean I have to mess up my exam too. As for the grade, it definitely made an impact, but an A is still possible so its not all that bad. From this experience I learned not to get lazy, as you're opening yourself up for problems to arise. I also learned hat a little mistake among successes isn't such a bad thing, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it as that just extends the problem when you could move on and use your energy on something else. 


  1. Oh no! Your failure was like mine. I was putting every effort into what I was doing and still failed. I think that is the hardest type of failure is when you aren’t expecting it. When you put all your heart into it, and it still goes wrong. I’m glad you were able to move forward from it.

  2. I totally understand where you're coming from; financial accounting caused me so much stress, especially for a class that I won't really use in the future. It's always frustrating to put in a lot of effort just to have things go wrong at the last minute. I also admire your tenacity and dedication to still going back and thoroughly learning the material. I'm sure it set you up for success for you next exam!

  3. I FEEL YOU! That happened to me in a History Class at Santa Fe that required a passage that was about 5 pages long and the essay was timed with a small prompt that I had NO CLUE what was going on. I tried to blabber my way out of it and I don't know how I got a 60%. The teacher told me the same you told yourself; next time read the instructions and don't be lazy. Thank god that did not impact my grade as much but still I could not get an A+.
