Saturday, September 1, 2018

2A Bug List

    1. Water in my water bottle getting hot way too fast at Flavet Field.                        Some of my shifts at work for the O'Connell Center are parking for certain events. Most areas are fine to work 5 hours at, but Flavet is different as its an empty field with no shade, causing the water in my water bottle to become way too hot to be enjoyable within the first half of the shift. This happens because of poor insulation of the bottle, and direct sunlight from the open field.
    2. Package tracking give little information on where your package actually is.   Over the past two months I've had two packages go missing, and the tracking link gives you little to no information on its where abouts. I think packages should be tracked like your Uber driver is tracked on the app, giving you a better idea as to when your package will arrive, and if it goes missing, you can track it. The Uber tracking is still relatively new to the market, and shipping companies have nothing to lose over there tracking system, as there are only a select few companies you can choose from. 
    3. Setting up cable boxes still requires an hour long phone call.                               Maybe this is just for Cox, which was my only option in my new apartment, but it took a whole hour on the phone to set it up; transferred four times and put on hold for half the time. Companies are more focused on there product, reinventing it and making adjustments to its design rather than customer service.
    4. Not enough crosswalks on my way to work.                                                                        I either take the bus or walk to work. When I do walk to work, there's certain areas that need crosswalks, or else I walk in a giant circle around instead of just taking a straight line through, adding an extra 5-10 minutes to my commute. A lot of college students at UF either have a car/scooter or live on campus, so crosswalks on the edge of campus aren't really thought of often.  
    5. No sandals or heels big enough for a women's size 11.                                               Lots of shoes only go up to a size 9, maybe 10 if I'm lucky, so finding shoes for an event is a long process. The average size of women's feet is size 8.5, leaving the smaller and larger sizes behind and focusing on the largest part of the market to make money. 
    6. Higher prices at CVS on 13th.                                                                                                 Because of its convenience and they know we'll pay, CVS prices are $1-$3 more expensive than Publix, Target, or any CVS's on Archer. 
    7. Phone call scammers.                                                                                                                      I get these daily and are just really annoying to deal with. Easy to do, but not easy to track and get authorities involved, plus a lot of people still believe in these.
    8. Cleaning out dryer lint.                                                                                                                 I have an old dryer and it fills with so much lint from a single cycle. Plus, the lint spread everywhere and triggers my allergies when I clean it. I actually had to look up what dryer lint really is, and its just fibers from the clothes that are getting dried. I don't think you can get rid of this, but the placement is awkward and causes for a lot of lint to fly in the air. 
    9. Vending machines that don't work or don't take cards.                                           So annoying when you can't get a Gatorade on a hot day because you don't carry cash. UF is a busy campus, and no one is gonna take the time to call or make a complaint about the broken machine. There should be a system in place to alert maintenance. 
    10. Not being able to pull up Apple Music through my Google Assistant.                      I prefer Apple Music to Google's option, but when I say "okay Google play ______", it sends my to Google Play music and says I don't have it in my Library. This is probably due to the Android vs. Apple feud, and makes you want to switch to Google Music for the ability to use the Google Assistant.
    11. Not having any late night car/bus service near my apartment.                                  I live a bit off campus and don't have a car, so when I do have late nights at Marston or get off work late, I can't use SNAP, and the buses are on a 40 minute loop still drop me off kind of far from my place, but its still better than nothing. Most UF students live on campus or has a car/scooter. 
    12. Group projects that aren't really group projects.                                                        Everyone's gone through this, people letting everyone else do the work and just showing up for the presentation, yeah it's annoying. People have different personalities with different skills and levels of ethics, causing some to be able to slip through and not do anything, or others taking up all the work themselves. 
    13. Scooter entitlement.                                                                                                                     As I wrote before I do a lot of parking for events, and you would not believe how entitled and rude some scooters are, like trying to enter in an exit only or yelling at me for doing my job. Even just trying to get somewhere I have been almost clipped in the heel by scooters while trying to cross a crosswalk several times. Scooters probably have this problem because they are smaller vehicles and can zip through tight or crossed off places. 
    14. Command hooks.                                                                                                                           These things are annoying, because sometimes they don't work and will fall off from holding a simple decoration (I do get the ones that match the weight and they still give me this problem) or they really stick and don't come off, or take part of the wall with them. This is probably from production inconsistencies. 
    15. Too large amounts of food at the grocery store.                                                             Didn't really know how to word this one, but as a college student, I don't need a whole loaf of bread that goes bad in a week. I know its cheap but I don't like wasting food. Grocery stores are more focused towards families who need larger amounts of food then I, a college student cooking for one. 
    16. Pop up ads that you can't exit.                                                                                                      I get a lot of these from online clothing stores, they ask for an email for a measly 10% off but you cant exit the pop up unless you give the email, so annoying and useless. Bad design can be blamed for this, as this problem mostly happens on the mobile versions of the website. I've made websites before, and you have to constantly check if what you put on the website looks good and works on the mobile version. 
    17. UF email (outlook).                                                                                                                            I actually like the UF email, makes it easy to connect with other students and faculty, but I just don't care for outlook. I have to check two different emails and I don't get notifications if I got an important email like Gmail. Usually its things from gator dinning, or the monthly news letter, so I don't pay too much attention to it. Bad design and no helpful tools on it, should have the ability to link with other emails.
    18. UF wifi.                                                                                                                                                   I use UF guest wifi on campus because I cannot figure out how to use the gator link one. (you need a separate app but when you get the app it can't find the network and its just frustrating). But even the guest wifi isn't that great, its spotty and will drop you out of no where, making you resign in. A wifi system should not make me have to download another app to use it. There are errors in both the wifi and app that need to be updated. 
    19. Hair clogging the shower drain and sink.                                                                Multiple girls with long hair clogs the drain real fast, and its gross to clean it. Dorm drains aren't great at gathering hair, it usually has larger hole to let a greater amount of water through. They should replace them with a cover with more holes that are smaller that can keep the hair out of the drain. This will save time and hassle from us and the cleaning staff, as well as money that has to go into cleaning/clearing the pipes. 
    20. Certain assignments/quizzes not showing up on canvas calendar because their on MyLab.                                                                                                                                  I like a one stop place to get all my information like my emails stated before, so when I have a class that uses MyLab, I groan because it's harder to keep track of the assignments and keeps me on edge in case I forget anything. MyLab is its own application with its own set up much like Canvas, but since the two now work hand in hand in the majority of classes online, they should be able to combine the calendar and checklist for work due. 
Overall this list wasn't that hard to come up with. I had a lot of free time and a lot of annoying things happening to me over the past month. The only thing is I don't think a lot of these will lead to a break through idea for my to use as my business idea for the class, but it was a good exercise! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chloe! I really relate to your bug about "Scooter entitlement." I've almost died 3 times because scooters don't care about crosswalks, and drive up to them without looking to see if there are pedestrians first. And they have the audacity to look at me weird like its my fault! Like there's a solid white line that you're suppose to stop at when there's a stop sign!
